Arceo’s Karate Club

Karate is an investment towards a better quality of life instilling values of honor, discipline, respect, and character.

Please check below for age groups, schedule, and pricing

  • We shall seek perfection of character - Our instructors will help each student on the path to their own destination by building confidence, understanding, and patience for themselves.

    Be Faithful - Learning discipline by building consistent habits. We teach students the importance of punctuality, commitment, and trying their best in anything they do.

    Endeavor - Instilling the habit of finishing what you started.

    Respect Others - Inside and outside the dojo we teach our students to always approach others with respect by treating people the way that they want to be treated.

    Refrain from violent behavior - We teach our students that the greatest power is the mind. Our students understand that they are prepared to defend themselves in any situation but the best solution is not violence.

  • As fourth generation martial artists, we have mastered the values listed in our Dojo Kun through our daily practice of Shotokan Karate. We continue to pursue and share this knowledge with our students in hopes to create confident leaders within our community for more generations to come. 

  • Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays | 5:00 -6:00 PM PT


    Martial arts classes offer various physical skill benefits for your child. However, it does not stop there. When they take their first class, their knowledge and growth rapidly increase. After each class they attend, they learn more about themselves and develop character traits like self-discipline and respect. Additionally, martial arts helps improve their overall health. It’s an incredible investment you make when you choose to enroll your child in our karate program.

  • Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays | 6:00-7:00 PM PST


    Martial arts classes teach teens and adolescents the importance of self-control and discipline, with every lesson benefitting their ability to achieve their goals. Our classes emphasize key values like respect, discipline, and persistence. As students learn how they treat others reflects on them as individuals, they also come to better understand themselves and their ability to master their character.

  • Mondays and Wednesdays | 7:00-8:00 PM PST


    Our martial arts classes can help you build core strength, increase your flexibility, learn self-defense skills, and achieve fitness goals from building muscle or losing weight. This program is also a great place to join a supportive community. Whatever your life goals are, our instructors will help you achieve them.

  • Month to month commitment: $200/mo

    6 month commitment: $180/mo

    *12 month commitment: $165/mo

    *Karate gi will be included